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Unit 1 - 6115 4 St SE
Calgary AB  T2H 2H9


Unit 1 - 6115 4 St SE
Calgary AB  T2H 2H9
+1 403 282-7335

24V/9.6Kg-cm/3200RPM DC Motor

ID: DCM4005_0

This gearless DC motor has a rated speed of 3200 RPM and a rated torque of 9.6 kg-cm.


Quantity Available: 222

Qty Price
5 $57.60
10 $55.20
25 $54.00
50 $52.80
100 $51.60

The DCM4005 is a 24 volt motor, generating 9.6 Kg-cm of torque with a top speed of 3200 RPM.


  • Rated for 9.6 kg-cm of torque
  • Reach speeds of up to 3200RPM
  • Connects directly to a Phidgets DC Motor Controller
  • 4mm rear shaft for mounting optional encoder
  • Best performance with controllers that can provide 18 amps or more

For more details on the torque and speed characteristics of the motor, see the torque curves document on the Resources tab.

This motor has a high rated current, so we recommend you use the DCC1000. See the Connection & Compatibility tab for more information.


DC Motor Controllers

DC motors can be simply connected to a power supply according to their rated voltage in order to make them run, but if you want to have control over direction, velocity, and acceleration in real-time, you'll need to use a motor controller. In order to connect this motor to a controller, you can connect the wires to the motor terminal on the controller. Don't worry about wiring the motor backwards; doing so will only reverse the direction of rotation. This motor requires higher voltage than our small motors, so only the following controllers are suitable:

Product Electrical Properties Controller Properties Board Properties
Part Number Price Continuous Motor Current Max Supply Voltage Max Number of Motor Ports Velocity Resolution Acceleration Resolution Controlled By
30V 50A DC Motor Phidget
$150.00 50 A 30 V DC 1 0.00078 Duty Cycle VINT
DC Motor Phidget
$75.00 25 A 30 V DC 1 0.001 Duty Cycle 1 Duty Cycle/s VINT


The rear shaft of this motor can be equipped with an encoder for applications where you need to keep track of the exact position, velocity, or acceleration of the motor. The mounting holes on the back of this motor are compatible with the following encoders:

Product Encoder Properties
Part Number Price Output Circuit Type Encoder Resolution Encoder Speed Max
Rotary Encoder - For 4mm Motor Shaft 300 CPR
$25.00 Push-Pull 300 CPR 6000 RPM
Rotary Encoder - For 4mm Motor Shaft 40 CPR
$10.00 Push-Pull 40 CPR 6000 RPM

Shaft Couplers

If you need to connect the main shaft of this motor to another device with a shaft, you can use a shaft coupler:

Product Physical Properties
Part Number Price Inner Diameter Keyway Width Material Coupling Rated Torque Coupling Rated Speed
Jaw Coupling Half 10mm Series 12 - 4mm Keyway
$3.60 10 mm 4 mm Aluminum 35.7 kg·cm 12000 RPM

Pulleys and Sprockets

If you're using this motor to drive a rotary system that requires a lot of torque, you may be interested in pulleys and sprockets. By using a two pulleys or sprockets of different sizes, you can increase the gear ratio of the motor. Pulleys and sprockets can also be used to transmit the motor's rotation over a long distance. For more guidance on building a transmission system, visit our Rotary Motion Guide. Here is a list of our 10mm bore pulleys and sprockets:

Product Physical Properties
Part Number Price Inner Diameter Number of Teeth
#25 Sprocket with 10mm Bore and 12 Teeth
$4.00 10 mm 12
#25 Chain Sprocket 10mm Bore 32 Teeth 4mm Key
$5.00 10 mm 32
GT5 Pulley with 10mm Bore and 16 Teeth (4mm Keyway)
$3.50 10 mm 16

Product Specifications

Motor Properties
Motor Type DC Motor
Output Power (Mechanical) 340 W
Rated Speed 2900 RPM
Rated Torque 9.7 kg·cm
Stall Torque 65 kg·cm
Electrical Properties
Rated Voltage 24 V DC
Rated Current 18 A
Stall Current 103.7 A
Physical Properties
Shaft Diameter 10 mm
Keyway Width 4 mm
Wire Length 300 mm
Weight 3.3 kg
Customs Information
Canadian HS Export Code 8501.31.00
American HTS Import Code 8501.31.40.00
Country of Origin CN (China)


Here's a list of our DC motors:

Product Motor Properties Physical Properties Gearbox Specifications
Part Number Price Rated Speed Rated Torque Shaft Diameter Weight Gear Ratio Gearbox Type
12V/0.2Kg-cm/1080RPM 3.7:1 DC Gear Motor
$18.00 1080 RPM 240 g·cm 6 mm 144 g 3 1217 : 1 Planetary
12V/0.2Kg-cm/230RPM 10:1 DC Gear Motor
$10.00 230 RPM 200 g·cm 6 mm 128 g 10 : 1 Spur
12V/0.9Kg-cm/285RPM 14:1 DC Gear Motor
$18.00 285 RPM 900 g·cm 6 mm 170 g 13 212289 : 1 Planetary
12V/0.3Kg-cm/127RPM 18:1 DC Gear Motor
$10.00 127 RPM 310 g·cm 6 mm 133 g 18 : 1 Spur
12V/0.8Kg-cm/46RPM 50:1 DC Gear Motor
$11.00 46 RPM 820 g·cm 6 mm 137 g 50 : 1 Spur
12V/3.0Kg-cm/78RPM 51:1 DC Gear Motor
$20.50 78 RPM 3.1 kg·cm 6 mm 193 g 50 801895 : 1 Planetary
12V/1.6Kg-cm/23RPM 100:1 DC Gear Motor
$11.00 23 RPM 1.6 kg·cm 6 mm 136 g 100 : 1 Spur
12V/0.5Kg-cm/670RPM 3.7:1 DC Gear Motor
$38.00 670 RPM 540 g·cm 8 mm 416 g 3 1217 : 1 Planetary
12V/1.9Kg-cm/175RPM 14:1 DC Gear Motor
$42.00 175 RPM 1.9 kg·cm 8 mm 464 g 13 212289 : 1 Planetary
12V/6.6Kg-cm/49RPM 51:1 DC Gear Motor
$43.00 49 RPM 6.6 kg·cm 8 mm 526 g 50 801895 : 1 Planetary
12V/6.6Kg-cm/49RPM 51:1 DC Gear Motor
$33.00 49 RPM 6.6 kg·cm 8 mm 526 g 50 801895 : 1 Planetary
12V/17.3Kg-cm/18RPM 139:1 DC Gear Motor
$43.00 18 RPM 17.3 kg·cm 8 mm 526 g * 139 1841221 : 1 Planetary
24V/2.5Kg-cm/3280RPM DC Motor
$40.00 3280 RPM 3.3 kg·cm 8 mm 1.4 kg
24V/7Kg-cm/3000RPM DC Motor
$50.00 2800 RPM 7.1 kg·cm 10 mm 2.7 kg
24V/9.6Kg-cm/3200RPM DC Motor
$60.00 2900 RPM 9.7 kg·cm 10 mm 3.3 kg
24V/5.1Kg-cm/588RPM 4.25:1 DC Gear Motor
$69.00 588 RPM 4.4 kg·cm 12 mm 1.3 kg 4 14 : 1 Planetary
24V/12.2Kg-cm/772RPM/4.25:1 DC Gear Motor
$80.00 772 RPM 12.2 kg·cm 12 mm 1.9 kg 4 14 : 1 Planetary
24V/14.2Kg-cm/192RPM 13:1 DC Gear Motor
$66.00 192 RPM 13.3 kg·cm 12 mm 1.5 kg 12 2425 : 1 Planetary
24V/45Kg-cm/182RPM/18:1 DC Gear Motor
$82.00 182 RPM 47 kg·cm 12 mm 2.1 kg 18 : 1 Planetary
24V/50.9Kg-cm/53RPM 47:1 DC Gear Motor
$72.00 53 RPM 43.8 kg·cm 12 mm 1.7 kg 46 82125 : 1 Planetary
24V/153Kg-cm/50RPM/65:1 DC Gear Motor
$84.00 50 RPM 153 kg·cm 12 mm 2.2 kg 65 : 1 Planetary
24V/82.6Kg-cm/33RPM 76:1 DC Gear Motor
$72.00 33 RPM 71.4 kg·cm 12 mm 1.7 kg 76 4964 : 1 Planetary
24V/173.3Kg-cm/15RPM 168:1 DC Gear Motor
$76.00 15 RPM 136.6 kg·cm 12 mm 2 kg 167 601625 : 1 Planetary

Here's a list of DC motors with encoders attached:

Product Motor Properties Physical Properties Gearbox Specifications
Part Number Price Rated Speed Rated Torque Shaft Diameter Weight Gear Ratio Gearbox Type
12V/0.2Kg-cm/1080RPM 3.7:1 DC Gear Motor w/ Encoder
$48.00 1080 RPM 240 g·cm 6 mm 147 g 3 1217 : 1 Planetary