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PhidgetLED-64 Advanced

ID: 1032_0

This Phidget uses current control to adjust the brightness of up to 64 LEDs.

Replaced by 1032_0B

Replaced by the 1032_0B - PhidgetLED-64 Advanced. It is the exact same device, but you can now choose which cables you want to have included.

The PhidgetLED 64 allows you to independently control 64 Light Emitting Diodes. Each LED can have the current limit set individually, and the brightness controlled from 0 to 100% within that limit using current control. These LED outputs can also be used to interface other devices that benefit from current control (such as buzzers, fans, and other small, simple electronics).

Most standard LEDs have forward voltages below 2.75 Volts, and can be used with the PhidgetLED by simply soldering them to a connector-wire and inserting the wire into any PhidgetLED board output. The forward voltage will default to 2.75V, and the maximum current defaults to 20mA.

Comes packaged with

Product Specifications

Board Properties
Controlled By USB
Number of LED Outputs 64
API Object Name DigitalOutput
Physical Properties
Recommended Wire Size (Power Terminal) 12 to 26 AWG
Power Jack 5.5 x 2.1mm Center Positive
Operating Temperature Min -40 °C
Operating Temperature Max 85 °C
Electrical Properties
Current Consumption Min 70 mA
Supply Voltage Min 6 V DC
Supply Voltage Max 15 V DC
Selectable Output Voltage Levels 1.7, 2.75, 3.9, 5.0 VDC
Output Current Limit Max (Per LED) 80 mA
LED Current Limit Max 80 mA
LED Current Limit Resolution 1.3 mA
USB Speed Full Speed
Customs Information
Canadian HS Export Code 8471.80.00
American HTS Import Code 8471.80.40.00
Country of Origin CN (China)

Software Objects

Channel NameAPIChannel
LED Driver DigitalOutput 0 - 63


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Code Samples


DigitalOutput Visual Studio GUI C# Windows Download
DigitalOutput JavaScript Browser Download
DigitalOutput Multi-Channel Example JavaScript Browser Download
DigitalOutput Objective-C macOS Download
DigitalOutput Swift macOS Download
DigitalOutput Swift iOS Download
DigitalOutput Visual Basic Windows Download
DigitalOutput Max Multiple Download

Product History

The 1032 - PhidgetLED-64 replaced our previous LED controller, the 1031 - PhidgetLED-64.
Date Board Revision Device Version Comment
January 20130200Product Release
October 20150201OS X El Capitan USB bug fix

Getting Started

Welcome to the 1032 user guide! In order to get started, make sure you have the following hardware on hand:

Next, you will need to connect the pieces:

1031 0 Connecting The Hardware.jpg
  1. Connect LEDs to the LED cables. Connect the red wire to the positive side and the black wire to the negative side.
  2. Connect your device to your computer using the USB cable.
  3. Plug the power supply into the barrel jack (or if your supply has no jack, screw the loose leads into the green terminal block- The ground wire in the "G" side and the positive wire in the "+" side).

Now that you have everything together, let's start using the 1032!

Using the 1032

Phidget Control Panel

In order to demonstrate the functionality of the 1032, the Phidget Control Panel running on a Windows machine will be used.

The Phidget Control Panel is available for use on both macOS and Windows machines.


To open the Phidget Control Panel on Windows, find the Ph.jpg icon in the taskbar. If it is not there, open up the start menu and search for Phidget Control Panel

Windows PhidgetTaskbar.PNG


To open the Phidget Control Panel on macOS, open Finder and navigate to the Phidget Control Panel in the Applications list. Double click on the Ph.jpg icon to bring up the Phidget Control Panel.

For more information, take a look at the getting started guide for your operating system:

Linux users can follow the getting started with Linux guide and continue reading here for more information about the 1032.

First Look

After plugging the 1032 into your computer and opening the Phidget Control Panel, you will see something like this:

1032 Panel.jpg

The Phidget Control Panel will list all connected Phidgets and associated objects, as well as the following information:

  • Serial number: allows you to differentiate between similar Phidgets.
  • Channel: allows you to differentiate between similar objects on a Phidget.
  • Version number: corresponds to the firmware version your Phidget is running. If your Phidget is listed in red, your firmware is out of date. Update the firmware by double-clicking the entry.

The Phidget Control Panel can also be used to test your device. Double-clicking on an object will open an example.

Digital Output (LED)

Double-click on a Digital Output object, labelled LED Driver, in order to run the example:

1032 DigitalOutputLED Example.jpg

General information about the selected object will be displayed at the top of the window. You can also experiment with the following functionality:

  • From the Forward Voltage drop-down menu, select the appropriate voltage for your LED. It is recommended to set the forward voltage to the first setting above the maximum voltage specified by your LED's datasheet.
  • Use the Current Limit slider to set an appropriate limit for your LED. The current limit will be specified in your LED's datasheet.
  • Use the large button to toggle power to the LED.
  • Use the Duty Cycle slider to precisely control the amount of power supplied to the LED.

Finding The Addressing Information

Before you can access the device in your own code, and from our examples, you'll need to take note of the addressing parameters for your Phidget. These will indicate how the Phidget is physically connected to your application. For simplicity, these parameters can be found by clicking the button at the top of the Control Panel example for that Phidget.

The locate Phidget button is found in the device information box

In the Addressing Information window, the section above the line displays information you will need to connect to your Phidget from any application. In particular, note the Channel Class field as this will be the API you will need to use with your Phidget, and the type of example you should use to get started with it. The section below the line provides information about the network the Phidget is connected on if it is attached remotely. Keep track of these parameters moving forward, as you will need them once you start running our examples or your own code.

All the information you need to address your Phidget

Using Your Own Program

You are now ready to start writing your own code for the device. The best way to do that is to start from our Code Samples.

Select your programming language of choice from the drop-down list to get an example for your device. You can use the options provided to further customize the example to best suit your needs.

Code Sample Choose Language.png

Once you have your example, you will need to follow the instructions on the page for your programming language to get it running. To find these instructions, select your programming language from the Programming Languages page.

Technical Details


The 1032 uses four controller chips that allow you to vary the current and voltage supplied to each channel. It uses pulse-width modulation to vary the brightness of each LED.

Multiple LEDs on a Single Channel

You can have multiple LEDs hooked up to a single channel on the 1032, (for example, a short string of LEDs) to reduce the amount of wiring, although keep in mind that you'll lose control of the individual lights, and can only toggle or dim the entire string. When using multiple LEDs on a single channel, you'll need to increase the voltage limit for that channel. If the LEDs are too dim at the maximum voltage, you should spread them out to other channels.

High-Current Considerations

If you're using high-current LEDs, you should spread your load evenly across the board to avoid having one of the controller chips overheat. There are four controller chips, each controlling the channels on a quarter of the board.

Controller Channels
1 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
2 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
3 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63
4 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55

Board Connector Diagram

1031 0 Connector Drawing.jpg

The connector used on the 1032 LED board is a Molex 70543-0003. The mating connector used on our LED cables is the Molex 50-57-9404.

Heat Dissipation and Thermal Protection

Projects that require a high supply voltage, or have a lot of heat being produced from over voltage settings, will have temperature problems. This can be mitigated somewhat by understanding how channels are grouped and how the heat is distributed around the controller. On the 1032 channels are split into four groups: (0-7,24-31), (8-23), (32-39, 56-63) and (40-55); each controlled by their own individual IC. Evenly distributing the LEDs that may produce a lot of heat across these groups will balance the load on the ICs and reduce the risk of thermal overload. When thermal overload occurs, the integrated circuit (IC) controlling the involved LEDs will disable the output of all the channels it controls. For example, if thermal overload occurs due to channel 12, all of the channels 8 through 23 will be disabled by the IC until the temperature back within the operating range. Thermal protection is activated when the die of the IC reaches approximately 160 degrees Celsius. Once the thermal overload has been corrected (i.e. the IC has cooled down), the output channels will be re-enabled with the same settings as before the thermal shutdown. An error message will be produced during thermal overload.

Further Reading

For more information, take a look at the LED Guide.

What to do Next

  • Programming Languages - Find your preferred programming language here and learn how to write your own code with Phidgets!
  • Phidget Programming Basics - Once you have set up Phidgets to work with your programming environment, we recommend you read our page on to learn the fundamentals of programming with Phidgets.


The PhidgetLED-64 Advanced can handle any LED with a forward voltage of 5V or less, and a forward current of 80mA or less. Here's a list of LEDs we have available:

Product Light Properties
Part Number Price Emitting Color Dominant Wavelength Luminous Intensity Beam Angle
10mm Red LED (Bag of 20)
$3.00 Red 625 nm 3.5 cd 25°
5mm Diffused Red (Bag of 30)
$3.00 Red 635 nm 390 mcd 40°
5mm Four Chip Super Flux Red (Bag of 5)
$3.00 Red 625 nm 7 cd 90°
10mm Blue LED (Bag of 10)
$3.00 Blue 467 nm 7 cd 25°
5mm Diffused Blue (Bag of 20)
$3.00 Blue 465 nm 450 mcd 40°
5mm Four Chip Super Flux Blue (Bag of 5)
$3.00 Blue 467 nm 2.5 cd 90°
10mm Yellow LED (Bag of 15)
$3.00 Yellow 590 nm 3.5 cd 25°
5mm Diffused Yellow/Green (Bag of 30)
$3.00 Yellow/Green 570 nm 80 mcd 40°
5mm Four Chip Super Flux Yellow (Bag of 5)
$3.00 Yellow 590 nm 7 cd 90°
5mm Four Chip Super Flux White (Bag of 5)
$3.00 White 9 cd 90°
5mm RGB Super Flux ( Bag of 5 )

LED Cables

The PhidgetLED-64 Advanced comes with sixteen LED cables, enough to use all 64 LED outputs if you cut each cable in half and solder the loose ends to the LEDs. Solder the red wire to the positive end of the LED (usually the longer one) and the black wire to the negative end. If you need extra LED cables, you can find them below:

Product Physical Properties
Part Number Price Cable Length Cable Gauge
LED64 Cable 60cm
$2.00 600 mm 26 AWG

USB Cables

Use a USB cable to connect this Phidget to your computer. We have a number of different lengths available, although the maximum length of a USB cable is 5 meters due to limitations in the timing protocol. For longer distances, we recommend that you use a Single Board Computer to control the Phidget remotely.

Product Physical Properties
Part Number Price Connector A Connector B Cable Length
USB-A to Mini-B Cable 28cm 24AWG
$3.00 USB Type A USB Mini-B 280 mm
USB-A to Mini-B Cable 28cm Right Angle
$3.50 USB Type A USB Mini-B (90 degree) 280 mm
USB-A to Mini-B Cable 60cm 24AWG
$3.50 USB Type A USB Mini-B 600 mm
USB-C to Mini-B Cable 60cm 28AWG
$5.00 USB Type C USB Mini-B 600 mm
USB-A to Mini-B Cable 83cm Right Angle
$4.50 USB Type A USB Mini-B (90 degree) 830 mm
USB-A to Mini-B Cable 120cm 24AWG
$4.00 USB Type A USB Mini-B 1.2 m
USB-A to Mini-B Cable 180cm 24AWG
$4.00 USB Type A USB Mini-B 1.8 m
USB-C to Mini-B Cable 180cm 28AWG
$6.00 USB Type C USB Mini-B 1.8 m
USB-A to Mini-B Cable 450cm 20AWG
$12.00 USB Type A USB Mini-B 4.5 m

Here are all of our specialized LED boards:

Product Board Properties Electrical Properties
Part Number Price Controlled By Number of LED Outputs LED Current Limit Max Selectable Output Voltage Levels
32x Isolated LED Phidget
$50.00 VINT 32 (per channel) 40 mA 3.2, 4.0, 4.8, 5.6 VDC
PhidgetLED-64 Advanced
$78.00 USB (Mini-USB) 64 80 mA 1.7, 2.75, 3.9, 5.0 VDC

The following Phidgets all have digital outputs, which can be used to control LEDs, but lack some of the extra features of our LED interfaces (dimming, voltage control, current control).

Product Digital Outputs
Part Number Price Number of Digital Outputs Digital Output Current Max Digital Output Voltage Max
VINT Hub Phidget
$40.00 6 (Shared) 3.3 V DC
1-Port VINT Hub Phidget
$24.00 1 (Shared) 3.3 V DC
VINT Hub Phidget
$35.00 6 (Shared) 3.3 V DC
VINT Hub Phidget
$30.00 6 (Shared) 3.3 V DC
Wireless VINT Hub
$60.00 6 (Shared) 3.3 V DC
4x Digital Output Phidget
$15.00 4 16 mA 5 V DC
PhidgetInterfaceKit 2/2/2
$50.00 2 16 mA 5 V DC
PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8
$80.00 8 5 V DC
PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8
$80.00 8 16 mA 5 V DC
PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 Mini-Format
$70.00 8 16 mA 5 V DC
PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 w/6 Port Hub
$110.00 8 16 mA 5 V DC
PhidgetTextLCD 20X2 : White : Integrated PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8
$70.00 8 16 mA 5 V DC