Display Plant Data on Website
(Raspberry Pi)

In this project, you will display soil data on a website.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following parts.

Phidget Plant Kit

Any Raspberry Pi

Step 1

Simply connect your Plant Kit to your Raspberry Pi. Note: for this project, you will only need the Soil Moisture Phidget.

If you haven't set up your Raspberry Pi with Phidgets yet, visit this project.

Logging Soil Data

The first step is to log soil mositure data to a file. To do this, create a Python script called soil.py on your Desktop and copy the code below into the script.

If you need a reminder of how create a Python script with Phidgets, revisit the Getting Started Course.

#Add Phidgets library
from Phidget22.Phidget import *
from Phidget22.Devices.VoltageRatioInput import *
#Required for sleep statement
import time
#Used to get current time
from datetime import datetime
#Used to check file status
import os

#Check file status
if(not os.path.isfile('/var/www/html/soil_data.csv')):
    with open('/var/www/html/soil_data.csv','x') as datafile:

soil = VoltageRatioInput()


#Get time
now = datetime.now()

#Format time
time_string = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

#Get soil moisture level
soil_string = str(soil.getVoltageRatio())

#Write data to file in CSV format
with open ('/var/www/html/soil_data.csv','a') as datafile:
    datafile.write(time_string + "," + soil_string + "\n")   

The Python script above does the following

  • Checks if a file called soil_data.csv already exists at /var/www/html. If it does not exist, it creates the file and writes the headers for our CSV file.
  • Creates and opens the Soil Moisture Phidget.
  • Gets the current time and formats it.
  • Gets the current soil moisture value.
  • Opens the CSV file at /var/www/html/ and writes a single line including the date and the soil moisture level. This file will later be opened by a webpage and the data will be displayed on a graph.

After creating the Python script and copying the contents above, you can try running the program. If it was successful, you should see a file called soil_data.csv appear at this location: /var/www/html

Schedule With Cron

Next, schedule your Python script to run every minute using the cron command below. If you haven't used cron before, check out this project.

* * * * * python3 /home/pi/soil.py

Modify Your Website

Next, overwrite your index.html at /var/www/html file with the webpage code below. If you haven't set up a webpage with the Raspberry Pi before, visit the prequisites tab above for more information.


        Phidgets Plant Data

Plant Data

What are Phidgets?

Phidgets are programmable USB sensors. Simply plug in your sensor, write code in your favorite language and go!

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