Tug of War
Create a two-player game that simulates a tug of war.
- Each player is assigned a button (red or green) and has to press the button 10 times before the other player can.
- When there is a winner you should flash both LEDS once then the winners LED 5 times.
Tug of War
Create a two-player game that simulates a tug of war.
- Each player is assigned a button (red or green) and has to press the button 10 times before the other player can.
- When there is a winner you should flash both LEDS once then the winners LED 5 times.
Tug of War
Create a two-player game that simulates a tug of war.
- Each player is assigned a button (red or green) and has to press the button 10 times before the other player can.
- When there is a winner you should flash both LEDS once then the winners LED 5 times.
Tug of War
Create a two-player game that simulates a tug of war.
- Each player is assigned a button (red or green) and has to press the button 10 times before the other player can.
- When there is a winner you should turn both LEDs on and display who won on your window.
- Include a button on your window that resets the game so it can be played again.