Graphing with the Graphic LCD

In this project, you will learn how to graph data from a sensor to the Graphic LCD.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following parts.

Graphic LCD Phidget

Phidget Cable

Any Phidget

Graphing Library (Java)

Copy the code below into a new Java file called

Not your programming language? Set your preferences so we can display relevant code examples

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

import com.phidget22.LCD;
import com.phidget22.LCDFont;

public class LCDPlot {

    private static ArrayList data = new ArrayList();
    private ArrayList pixelData = new ArrayList();
    private DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.0");
    private static int numPoints;
    private double maxTemp = 0;
    private double minTemp = 0;
    private LCD lcd;
    private boolean recordData;
    private Record writeData;
    private int LCD_WIDTH = 127;
    private int Graph_WIDTH = 107;
    private int Graph_HEIGHT = 45;

    public LCDPlot() {


	// Constructor that records the data passed by user
	public LCDPlot(int dataPoints, boolean recordData) throws Exception {

        numPoints = dataPoints;
        lcd = new LCD();;
        lcd.setBacklight(0.5); // Enable backlight

        this.recordData = recordData;

        if (recordData) {
            writeData = new Record();

    // Main function that runs all the other functions
    public void start() throws Exception {

        if (recordData) {



    // Gets temp from temperature sensor and records in array
    public void addDataPoint(double num) throws Exception {

        // Limits array size to the number of points displayed on the screen
        if (data.size() >= numPoints) {


    // Displays elements of graph
    private void display() throws Exception {

        // This initializes the graph axis
        lcd.drawLine(20, 11, 20, 56);
        lcd.drawLine(20, 56, 127, 56);

        maxTemp = Collections.max(data);
        minTemp = Collections.min(data);

        // Writes Max, Min and Current Temp
        lcd.writeText(LCDFont.DIMENSIONS_5X8, 1, 1, "Min: " + String.valueOf(df.format(minTemp)));
        lcd.writeText(LCDFont.DIMENSIONS_5X8, 51, 1, "Max: " + String.valueOf(df.format(maxTemp)));
        lcd.writeText(LCDFont.DIMENSIONS_6X12, 101, 1, String.valueOf(df.format(data.get(data.size() - 1))));

    // Auto scales y-axis
    private void yScaling() throws Exception {

        Double temp = Collections.max(data);
        Double scale = ((maxTemp - minTemp) / 5);

        // Draws ticks and numbers | Starts on pixel 11 and moves down 9 pixels at a
        // time. At each increment, a small visible line is drawn to indicate the
        // location as well as a numeric value is printed out on the screen.
        for (int i = 11; i <= 56; i += 9) {
            lcd.drawLine(20, i, 21, i);
            lcd.writeText(LCDFont.DIMENSIONS_5X8, 0, i, Double.toString(Double.valueOf(df.format(temp))));
            temp -= scale;


    // Auto scales x-axis
    private void xScaling() throws Exception {

        // Draws ticks on x-axis |The graph starts at pixel 20, and draws a vertical
        // tick of width 2 across the x-axis for each data point
        int scale = Math.round(Graph_WIDTH / (numPoints - 1));

        for (int i = 20 + scale; i < LCD_WIDTH; i += scale) {
            lcd.drawLine(i, 56, i, 58);


    // Draws the graph
    private void graph() throws Exception {

        double range = maxTemp - minTemp;
        int scale = Math.round(Graph_WIDTH / (numPoints - 1));

        // Changes the pixel location of the data based on min and max data points |
        // Math: Let x be the pixel location of the data point. x/Graph_Height in pixels
        // = (data point - min temp)/temp range.
        // Solving for x will result in a ratio where the pixel location simulates the
        // distribution of the temperature
        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
            double pixel = 56 - (data.get(i) - minTemp) / range * Graph_HEIGHT;
            pixelData.add((int) Math.round(pixel));

        // Temp 2 gives the pixel for the first time data point
        int temp2 = 20;

        // Graphs data | The LCD will draw a line between the pixel of the previous data
        // point and the current data point
        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
            if (i > 0) {
                lcd.drawLine(temp2 - scale, pixelData.get(i - 1), temp2, pixelData.get(i));

            temp2 += scale;


        // Clears the space of the graph essential refreshing the screen every time a
        // new data point is added
        lcd.drawRect(21, 11, LCD_WIDTH, 55, true, true);

    public void closeDevices() {
        try {
            // Close LCD so it isnt left on at the end of the program
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // This is a better way of handeling exceptions vs throwing them
            System.out.printf("Error when trying to close LCD:\n%s", e);

    // Records the temp into a file
    class Record extends LCDPlot {

        String name;
        FileWriter outfile;
        int count = 0;
        int counter = 0;

        public Record() throws Exception {

            DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
            LocalDateTime now =;
            name = dtf.format(now);

            // Can't title files with "/" or ":" so they are replaced by "_" and "."
            name = name.replace("/", "_").replace(":", ".");

        public void writeValue() throws Exception {

            // Creates a file writer to the csv file
            outfile = new FileWriter(name + ".csv", true);

            // If it is the first data point, then it titles the columns in excel file
            if (count == 0) {
                outfile.write("Data Points, Temperature \n");

            // Count keeps track of what data point we are on | If count exceeds the total
            // numPoints (i.e. the number of points present in the data array) then we
            // control counter (the index on the most recent data point in the array) to be the last element
            // in the array
            if (count >= numPoints) {
                this.counter = numPoints - 1;

            // Writes data point number and data value to excel file
            String num = Double.toString(data.get(this.counter));
            outfile.write(Integer.toString(count) + "," + num + "\n");



package plotting;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

import com.phidget22.LCD;
import com.phidget22.LCDFont;

public class LCDPlot {

    private static ArrayList data = new ArrayList();
    private ArrayList pixelData = new ArrayList();
    private DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.0");
    private static int numPoints;
    private double maxTemp = 0;
    private double minTemp = 0;
    private LCD lcd;
    private boolean recordData;
    private Record writeData;
    private int LCD_WIDTH = 127;
    private int Graph_WIDTH = 107;
    private int Graph_HEIGHT = 45;

    public LCDPlot() {


	// Constructor that records the data passed by user
	public LCDPlot(int dataPoints, boolean recordData) throws Exception {

        numPoints = dataPoints;
        lcd = new LCD();;
        lcd.setBacklight(0.5); // Enable backlight

        this.recordData = recordData;

        if (recordData) {
            writeData = new Record();

    // Main function that runs all the other functions
    public void start() throws Exception {

        if (recordData) {



    // Gets temp from temperature sensor and records in array
    public void addDataPoint(double num) throws Exception {

        // Limits array size to the number of points displayed on the screen
        if (data.size() >= numPoints) {


    // Displays elements of graph
    private void display() throws Exception {

        // This initializes the graph axis
        lcd.drawLine(20, 11, 20, 56);
        lcd.drawLine(20, 56, 127, 56);

        maxTemp = Collections.max(data);
        minTemp = Collections.min(data);

        // Writes Max, Min and Current Temp
        lcd.writeText(LCDFont.DIMENSIONS_5X8, 1, 1, "Min: " + String.valueOf(df.format(minTemp)));
        lcd.writeText(LCDFont.DIMENSIONS_5X8, 51, 1, "Max: " + String.valueOf(df.format(maxTemp)));
        lcd.writeText(LCDFont.DIMENSIONS_6X12, 101, 1, String.valueOf(df.format(data.get(data.size() - 1))));

    // Auto scales y-axis
    private void yScaling() throws Exception {

        Double temp = Collections.max(data);
        Double scale = ((maxTemp - minTemp) / 5);

        // Draws ticks and numbers | Starts on pixel 11 and moves down 9 pixels at a
        // time. At each increment, a small visible line is drawn to indicate the
        // location as well as a numeric value is printed out on the screen.
        for (int i = 11; i <= 56; i += 9) {
            lcd.drawLine(20, i, 21, i);
            lcd.writeText(LCDFont.DIMENSIONS_5X8, 0, i, Double.toString(Double.valueOf(df.format(temp))));
            temp -= scale;


    // Auto scales x-axis
    private void xScaling() throws Exception {

        // Draws ticks on x-axis |The graph starts at pixel 20, and draws a vertical
        // tick of width 2 across the x-axis for each data point
        int scale = Math.round(Graph_WIDTH / (numPoints - 1));

        for (int i = 20 + scale; i < LCD_WIDTH; i += scale) {
            lcd.drawLine(i, 56, i, 58);


    // Draws the graph
    private void graph() throws Exception {

        double range = maxTemp - minTemp;
        int scale = Math.round(Graph_WIDTH / (numPoints - 1));

        // Changes the pixel location of the data based on min and max data points |
        // Math: Let x be the pixel location of the data point. x/Graph_Height in pixels
        // = (data point - min temp)/temp range.
        // Solving for x will result in a ratio where the pixel location simulates the
        // distribution of the temperature
        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
            double pixel = 56 - (data.get(i) - minTemp) / range * Graph_HEIGHT;
            pixelData.add((int) Math.round(pixel));

        // Temp 2 gives the pixel for the first time data point
        int temp2 = 20;

        // Graphs data | The LCD will draw a line between the pixel of the previous data
        // point and the current data point
        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
            if (i > 0) {
                lcd.drawLine(temp2 - scale, pixelData.get(i - 1), temp2, pixelData.get(i));

            temp2 += scale;


        // Clears the space of the graph essential refreshing the screen every time a
        // new data point is added
        lcd.drawRect(21, 11, LCD_WIDTH, 55, true, true);

    public void closeDevices() {
        try {
            // Close LCD so it isnt left on at the end of the program
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // This is a better way of handeling exceptions vs throwing them
            System.out.printf("Error when trying to close LCD:\n%s", e);

    // Records the temp into a file
    class Record extends LCDPlot {

        String name;
        FileWriter outfile;
        int count = 0;
        int counter = 0;

        public Record() throws Exception {

            DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
            LocalDateTime now =;
            name = dtf.format(now);

            // Can't title files with "/" or ":" so they are replaced by "_" and "."
            name = name.replace("/", "_").replace(":", ".");

        public void writeValue() throws Exception {

            // Creates a file writer to the csv file
            outfile = new FileWriter(name + ".csv", true);

            // If it is the first data point, then it titles the columns in excel file
            if (count == 0) {
                outfile.write("Data Points, Temperature \n");

            // Count keeps track of what data point we are on | If count exceeds the total
            // numPoints (i.e. the number of points present in the data array) then we
            // control counter (the index on the most recent data point in the array) to be the last element
            // in the array
            if (count >= numPoints) {
                this.counter = numPoints - 1;

            // Writes data point number and data value to excel file
            String num = Double.toString(data.get(this.counter));
            outfile.write(Integer.toString(count) + "," + num + "\n");



Code not available for Processing.

Graphing Library (Python)

Copy the code below into a new Python file called

Not your programming language? Set your preferences so we can display relevant code examples

from Phidget22.Devices.LCD import *
from datetime import datetime

class LCDPlot:
    name = ""
    counting = 0
    count = 0
    data = []
    pixel_data = []
    num_points = 0
    max_temp = 0
    min_temp = 0
    lcd = LCD()
    record = True
    LCD_WIDTH = 127
    Graph_WIDTH = 107
    Graph_HEIGHT = 45

    # Constructor that self.self.records the passed by user
    def __init__(self, dataPoints, record_data):

        self.num_points = dataPoints
        self.record = record_data

        # Initializes the name of the file with date and time
        # Can't title files with "/" or ":" so they are replaced by "_" and "."
        if self.record:

            # Get current time when starting program
            # Used to name the csv file to which the data will be written to
   ="%m_%d_%Y %H.%M.%S")

    # Main function that runs all the other functions
    def start(self):

        if self.record:


    # Gets temp from temperature sensor and records in array
    def add_data_point(self, num):

        # Limits array size to the number of points displayed on the screen
        if len( >= self.num_points:

    # Displays elements of graph
    def display(self):

        # This initializes the graph axis
        self.lcd.drawLine(20, 11, 20, 56)
        self.lcd.drawLine(20, 56, 127, 56)

        self.max_temp = max(
        self.min_temp = min(

        # Writes Max, Min and Current Temp
        self.lcd.writeText(LCDFont.FONT_5x8, 1, 1, "Min: " + str(round(self.min_temp, 1)))
        self.lcd.writeText(LCDFont.FONT_5x8, 51, 1, "Max: " + str(round(self.max_temp, 1)))
        self.lcd.writeText(LCDFont.FONT_6x12, 101, 1, str(round([len( - 1], 1)))

    # Auto scales x-axis
    def x_scaling(self):

        # Draws ticks on x-axis |The graph starts at pixel 20, and draws a vertical
        # tick of width 2 across the x-axis for each data point
        scale = round(self.Graph_WIDTH / (self.num_points - 1))
        i = 20 + scale

        while i < self.LCD_WIDTH:
            self.lcd.drawLine(i, 56, i, 58)
            i += scale

    # Auto scales y-axis
    def y_scaling(self):

        temp = max(
        scale = ((self.max_temp - self.min_temp) / 5)

        # Draws ticks and numbers | Starts on pixel 11 and moves down 9 pixels at a
        # time. At each increment, a small visible line is drawn to indicate the
        # location as well as a numeric value is printed out on the screen.
        i = 11
        while i <= 56:
            self.lcd.drawLine(20, i, 21, i)
            self.lcd.writeText(LCDFont.FONT_5x8, 0, i, str(round(temp, 1)))
            temp -= scale
            i += 9

    # Draws the graph

    def graph(self):

        size = self.max_temp - self.min_temp
        scale = round(self.Graph_WIDTH / (self.num_points - 1))

        # Ensures that when there is only 1 data point the scale is not 0. | In this case, an arbitrary value for
        # the scale is set so the the pixel location formula will not divide by zero. This is auto adjusted
        # with more data points.
        if size == 0:
            size = 2

        # Changes the pixel location of the data based on min and max data points |
        # Math: Let x be the pixel location of the data point. x/Graph_Height in pixels
        # = (data point - min temp)/temp range.
        # Solving for x will result in a ratio where the pixel location simulates the
        # distribution of the temperature
        for i in range(len(
            pixel = 56 - ([i] - self.min_temp) / size * self.Graph_HEIGHT

        # Temp 2 gives the pixel for the first time data point
        temp2 = 20

        # Graphs data | The LCD will draw a line between the pixel of the previous data
        # point and the current data point
        for i in range(len(
            if i > 0:
                self.lcd.drawLine(temp2 - scale, self.pixel_data[i - 1], temp2, self.pixel_data[i])
            temp2 += scale


        # Clears the space of the graph essential refreshing the screen every time a
        # new data point is added
        self.lcd.drawRect(21, 11, self.LCD_WIDTH, 55, True, True)

    # Records the temp into a file
    def write_file(self):

        # Creates a file writer to the csv file
        file = open( + ".csv", "a")

        # If it is the first data point, then it titles the columns in excel file
        if self.count == 0:
            file.write("Data points" + "," + "Temperature \n")

        # Count keeps track of what data point we are on | If count exceeds the total
        # numPoints (i.e. the number of points present in the data array) then we
        # control counter (the index on the most recent data point in the array) to be the last element
        # in the array
        if self.counting >= self.num_points:
            self.counting = self.num_points - 1

        # Writes data point number and data value to excel file
        file.write(str(self.count) + "," + str([self.counting]) + "\n")

        self.count += 1
        self.counting += 1


    def close_objects(self):

Graphing Library (C#)

Copy the code below into a new C# file called LCDPlot.cs

Not your programming language? Set your preferences so we can display relevant code examples

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Phidget22;

namespace Plotting
    class LCDPlot
        public static List data = new List();
        static List pixelData = new List();
        public static int numPoints;
        double maxTemp;
        double minTemp;
        LCD lcd;
        Boolean recordData;
        Record writeData;
        int LCD_WIDTH = 127;
        int Graph_WIDTH = 107;
        int Graph_HEIGHT = 45;

        public LCDPlot()


        // Constructor that recrods data passed by user
        public LCDPlot(int dataPoints, Boolean recordData)
            numPoints = dataPoints;
            lcd = new LCD();

            this.recordData = recordData;

            if (recordData)
                writeData = new Record();

        // Main function that runs all other functions
        public void start()
            if (recordData)



        // Gets temp from temp sensor
        public void addDataPoint(double num)
            // Limits array size to the number of points displayed on the screen
            if (data.Count() >= numPoints)



        //Displays elements of graph
        private void Display()
            // This initializes the graph axis
            lcd.DrawLine(20, 11, 20, 56);
            lcd.DrawLine(20, 56, LCD_WIDTH, 56);

            maxTemp = data.Max();
            minTemp = data.Min();

            // Writes Max, Min and Current Temp
            lcd.WriteText(LCDFont.Dimensions_5x8, 1, 1, "Min: " + minTemp.ToString("0.0"));
            lcd.WriteText(LCDFont.Dimensions_5x8, 51, 1, "Max: " + maxTemp.ToString("0.0"));
            lcd.WriteText(LCDFont.Dimensions_6x12, 101, 1, data[data.Count - 1].ToString("0.0"));


        // Scales x-axis
        private void XScaling()
            double temp = Graph_WIDTH / (numPoints - 1);
            int scale = (int)Math.Round(temp);

            // Draws ticks on x-axis |The graph starts at pixel 20, and draws a vertical
            // tick of width 2 across the x-axis for each data point
            for (int i = 20 + scale; i 0)
                    lcd.DrawLine(temp2 - scale, pixelData[i - 1], temp2, pixelData[i]);

                temp2 += scale;


            // Clears the space of the graph essential refreshing the screen every time a
            // new data point is added
            lcd.DrawRectangle(21, 11, LCD_WIDTH, 55, true, true);


    // Records temp into a file
    class Record : LCDPlot{

        String name;
        int count = 0;
        int counter = 0;

        public Record()
            name = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            // Can't title files with "/" or ":" so they are replaced by "_" and "."
            name = name.Replace("/", "_").Replace(":", ".");


        public void writeData()
            // Creates a file writer to the csv file
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@name + ".csv", true);

            // If it is the first data point, then it titles the columns in excel file
            if (count == 0)
                sw.WriteLine("data points, temperature");

            // Count keeps track of what data point we are on | If count exceeds the total
            // numPoints (i.e. the number of points present in the data array) then we
            // control counter (the index on the most recent data point in the array) to be the last element
            // in the array
            if (count >= numPoints)
                counter = numPoints - 1;

            // Writes data point number and data value to excel file
            sw.WriteLine(count.ToString() + "," + data[counter].ToString());



Write Code (Swift)

Code not available for Swift. Please set your preferences and select a new language.

Use the Graphing Library (Java)

Create a new Java project called Plotting and copy the code below into your project. If you need a reminder of how to do this, revisit the Getting Started Course.

Not your programming language? Set your preferences so we can display relevant code examples

//Add Phidgets Library
import com.phidget22.*;

public class Plotting {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        TemperatureSensor temperatureSensor = new TemperatureSensor();


        //Create LCDPlot object
        //First argument refers to the number of data points displayed on the graph
        //Second argument indicates whether or not to store data to a file
        LCDPlot graph = new LCDPlot(10, true);

        //Use your Phidgets
        while (true) {
package plotting;

//Add Phidgets Library
import com.phidget22.*;

public class Plotting {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        TemperatureSensor temperatureSensor = new TemperatureSensor();


        //Create LCDPlot object
        //First argument refers to the number of data points displayed on the graph
        //Second argument indicates whether or not to store data to a file
        LCDPlot graph = new LCDPlot(10, true);

        //Use your Phidgets
        while (true) {
Code not available for Processing.

Drag into your new project.

Use the Graphing Library (Python)

Copy the code below into a new Python script called Not your programming language? Set your preferences so we can display relevant code examples

#Add Phidgets Library
from Phidget22.Devices.TemperatureSensor import *
#Required for LCD plotting
from LCDPlot import LCDPlot
#Required for sleep statement
import time

temperatureSensor = TemperatureSensor()


#Create LCDPlot object
#First argument refers to the number of data points displayed on the graph
#Second argument indicates whether or not to store data to a file
graph = LCDPlot(10, True) 

#Use your Phidgets
while True:

You should now have both files in the same location.

Use the Graphing Library (C#)

Create a new C# project called Plotting and copy the code below into your class file. If you need a reminder of how to do this, revisit the Getting Started Course.

Not your programming language? Set your preferences so we can display relevant code examples

//Add Phidgets Library
using Phidget22;

namespace Plotting
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TemperatureSensor temperatureSensor = new TemperatureSensor();


            //Create LCDPlot object
            //First argument refers to the number of data points displayed on the graph
            //Second argument indicates whether or not to store data to a file
            LCDPlot graph = new LCDPlot(12, true);

            //Use your Phidgets
            while (true)


Drag LCDPlot.cs into your new project.

Use the Graphing Library (Swift)

Code not available for Swift. Please set your preferences and select a new language.

Run Your Program

Run your file. You will see a graph being displayed on the Graphic LCD.

Run Your Program

Run your program. You will see a graph being displayed on the Graphic LCD.

Run Your Program

Run your script. You will see a graph being displayed on the Graphic LCD.


  1. Try graphing values from a different sensor.
  2. Try modifying the LCDPlot file to add new functionality to the graphing library.

What are Phidgets?

Phidgets are programmable USB sensors. Simply plug in your sensor, write code in your favorite language and go!

Phidgets have been used by STEM professionals for over 20 years and are now available to students.

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