Spatial Phidget

The Spatial Phidget contains a 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis magnetometer.

The accelerometer measures acceleration in units of g-force. A stationary object experiences 1 g of acceleration due to the Earth's gravitational field. A high-speed roller coaster typically develops 4 g to 6 g.

The gyroscope measures rotational motion. Rotational motion (also known as angular velocity) is measured in degrees per second (°/s). The gyroscope will provide angular velocity between -2250 and 2250°/s in the x, y and z-axis. This allows you to track the orientation of an object in 3D space.

The magnetometer measures magnetic fields. The magnetometer will report magnetic field strength along the x, y, and z axes. Magnetic field strength is measured in units of Gauss (G).

See tutorial


Before you do any coding you will have to attach your Spatial Phidget to your VINT Hub as shown:

Code (Java)

Create a file called PhidgetSpatial and insert the following code. Run your code. Move your Spatial Phidget to see the output change.

Not your programming language? Set my language and IDE.

package phidgetspatial;

//Add Phidgets Library
import com.phidget22.*;

public class PhidgetSpatial{
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Spatial spatial = new Spatial();
        //Spatial Event
        spatial.addSpatialDataListener(new SpatialSpatialDataListener() {
            public void onSpatialData(SpatialSpatialDataEvent e) {                    
                double[] acceleration = e.getAcceleration();
                double[] angularRate = e.getAngularRate();
                double[] magneticField = e.getMagneticField();
                double timestamp = e.getTimestamp();

                System.out.println("Acceleration: " + acceleration[0] + "," + acceleration[1] + "," + acceleration[2]);
                System.out.println("Angular Rate: " + angularRate[0] + "," + angularRate[1] + "," + angularRate[2]);
                System.out.println("Magnetic Field: " + magneticField[0] + "," + magneticField[1] + "," + magneticField[2]);
                System.out.println("Timestamp: " + timestamp + "\n");       
        //Use your Phidgets
        while (true) {            
//Add Phidgets Library
import com.phidget22.*;

public class PhidgetSpatial{
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Spatial spatial = new Spatial();
        //Spatial Event
        spatial.addSpatialDataListener(new SpatialSpatialDataListener() {
            public void onSpatialData(SpatialSpatialDataEvent e) {                    
                double[] acceleration = e.getAcceleration();
                double[] angularRate = e.getAngularRate();
                double[] magneticField = e.getMagneticField();
                double timestamp = e.getTimestamp();

                System.out.println("Acceleration: " + acceleration[0] + "," + acceleration[1] + "," + acceleration[2]);
                System.out.println("Angular Rate: " + angularRate[0] + "," + angularRate[1] + "," + angularRate[2]);
                System.out.println("Magnetic Field: " + magneticField[0] + "," + magneticField[1] + "," + magneticField[2]);
                System.out.println("Timestamp: " + timestamp + "\n");       
        //Use your Phidgets
        while (true) {            
//Add Phidgets Library
import com.phidget22.*;

Spatial spatial;

void setup(){
     spatial = new Spatial();
     //Spatial Event
      spatial.addSpatialDataListener(new SpatialSpatialDataListener() {
        public void onSpatialData(SpatialSpatialDataEvent e) {                    
          double[] acceleration = e.getAcceleration();
          double[] angularRate = e.getAngularRate();
          double[] magneticField = e.getMagneticField();
          double timestamp = e.getTimestamp();
          System.out.println("Acceleration: " + acceleration[0] + "," + acceleration[1] + "," + acceleration[2]);
          System.out.println("Angular Rate: " + angularRate[0] + "," + angularRate[1] + "," + angularRate[2]);
          System.out.println("Magnetic Field: " + magneticField[0] + "," + magneticField[1] + "," + magneticField[2]);
          System.out.println("Timestamp: " + timestamp + "\n");       
  }catch(Exception e){

void draw(){

Code (Python)

Create a file called PhidgetSpatial and insert the following code. Run your code. Move your Spatial Phidget to see the output change.

Not your programming language? Set my language and IDE.

#Add Phidgets Library
from Phidget22.Phidget import *
from Phidget22.Devices.Spatial import *
#Required for sleep statement
import time

def onSpatialData(self, acceleration, angularRate, magneticField, timestamp):
    print("Acceleration: " + str(acceleration))
    print("Angular Rate: " + str(angularRate))
    print("Magnetic Field: " + str(magneticField))
    print("Timestamp: " + str(timestamp) + "\n")

spatial = Spatial()

#Subscribe to event


#Use your Phidgets
while (True):    

Code (C#)

Create a file called PhidgetSpatial and insert the following code. Run your code. Move your Spatial Phidget to see the output change.

Not your programming language? Set my language and IDE.

//Add Phidgets Library
using Phidget22;

namespace PhidgetSpatial
    class Program
        //Spatial Data Event
        private static void SpatialSensor_SpatialData(object sender, Phidget22.Events.SpatialSpatialDataEventArgs e)
            System.Console.WriteLine("Acceleration: " + e.Acceleration[0] + "," + e.Acceleration[1] + "," + e.Acceleration[2]);
            System.Console.WriteLine("AngularRate: " + e.AngularRate[0] + "," + e.AngularRate[1] + "," + e.AngularRate[2]);
            System.Console.WriteLine("MagneticField: " + e.MagneticField[0] + "," + e.MagneticField[1] + "," + e.MagneticField[2]);
            System.Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: " + e.Timestamp + "\n");

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Spatial spatial = new Spatial();

            //Subscribe to event
            spatial.SpatialData += SpatialSensor_SpatialData;


            //Use your Phidgets
            while (true)

Code (Swift)

Create a file called Spatial and insert the following code. Run your code. Move your Spatial Phidget to see the output change.

Not your programming language? Set my language and IDE.

You will need to add three Labels.

import Cocoa
//Add Phidget Library
import Phidget22Swift

class ViewController: NSViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var xLabel: NSTextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var yLabel: NSTextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var zLabel: NSTextField!
    let accelerometer = Accelerometer()
    override func viewDidLoad() {
            //Subscribe to event
            let _ = accelerometer.accelerationChange.addHandler(onAccelerationChange)
    func onAccelerationChange(sender:Accelerometer, data: (acceleration:[Double], timestamp: Double)){
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
	    //Use information from your Phidget to change label
            self.xLabel.stringValue = "X-axis: " + String(data.acceleration[0]) + "g"
            self.yLabel.stringValue = "Y-axis: " + String(data.acceleration[1]) + "g"
            self.zLabel.stringValue = "Z-axis: " + String(data.acceleration[2]) + "g"


Spatial devices (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer) are used in an incredibly wide range of applications. From monitoring orientation in smart phones, to detecting seismic activity in skyscrapers, to keeping drones flying level, you are likely interacting with spatial devices every single day!


As you may have noticed, the Spatial Phidget reports data in 3 axes (x, y and z). Look at the Accelerometer data and try to understand how gravity relates to acceleration.

Check out the advanced lesson Using the Sensor API before you use the API for the first time.


What are Phidgets?

Phidgets are programmable USB sensors. Simply plug in your sensor, write code in your favorite language and go!

Phidgets have been used by STEM professionals for over 20 years and are now available to students.

Learn more

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