Good afternoon,
we have four button load cell sensors buyed several time ago, which are connected with a phidget Bridge for single usb port connection.
I would like to develop some read outs with C# and i saw that you have for several products documentation.
My questions:
1)Where i can find the documentation for read out of 4 sensor data connected with phidget bridge?
2)Is the reading unit kg correct?
3)Do the read out communicate with port communication, that i can identify specific sensor each port, send a command to port and read it out with an eventhandler? Or is the communication with Posts/gets and returning json f.e.?
4)Is there a possibility to make a zero presure calibration with a command (tar)?
5)Is a renaming of the sensors possible or they have everytime same specific number in a readout (like an array?)
Thanks for answering my questions