Language - C

From Phidgets Support

C/C++ has a complete API and sample code for all Phidgets devices.
For a complete list of our supported languages and their support status, click here.

C/C++ can be developed with various Windows compilers, Mac OSX, and Linux.

Development Environments and Compilers

Describe each major compiler and notable differences or important information. (eg. framework versions) If there are known issues/workarounds mention them and link to the corresponding issue at the bottom of the page.

Drivers, Libraries and Resources

Before you can run your program, you need to set up the proper environment and get the necessary files off the Phidgets website. Visit the drivers section at and get the latest:

You will need the Phidget Framework to use and to program with Phidgets. We also recommend that you download the following reference materials:

You may want to have these pages open while working through these instructions.

Getting Started (Windows)

The Phidget examples were written using Visual C++ 2005 and this tutorial assumes its use. Other environments such as other versions of Visual Studio work as well and would be set up in a similar manner. Borland C also requires the phidget21bcc.lib file provided at the Phidgets website. Consult your compiler documentation for specific details on how to link to external libraries. In Visual C++ 2005:

  • Generate a new C/C++ console project with a descriptive name such as PhidgetTest.
  • Copy phidget21.h and phidget21.lib from the VC/VC++/Borland examples and add them to your project directory.
  • Open the project properties window.
  • Navigate to Configuration Properties | Linker | Input.
  • Edit the additional dependencies and add “phidget21.lib”.

The project now has access to the Phidget21 function calls and we are ready to begin coding.

Setting up the Libraries

Before you can use the Phidget, you must include a reference to the library header.

  #include "phidget21.h"

Afterwards, the Phidget object will need to be declared and then initialized. For example, we can declare a PhidgetInterfaceKit inside our main function with:

  int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
     CPhidgetInterfaceKitHandle ifKit = 0; //Declare an InterfaceKit handle
     CPhidgetInterfaceKit_create(&ifKit);  //Create the InterfaceKit object
     //More code goes here
     return 0;

The object name for any type of Phidget is listed in the API manual. Every type of Phidget also inherits functionality from the Phidget base class.

Developing Code (Windows)

Running Examples

Writing Your Own Code

You can use a Phidget in code by essentially by opening it, setting it up, doing things with it, and closing it. These steps are outlined at a high-level for all devices and languages on the General Phidget Programming page.

The complete set of functions you have available can be found in the

Getting Started (MacOS/Linux)

Coding For Your Phidget

Before you can use the Phidget, you must include a reference to the library header.

  #include <phidget21.h>

Afterwards, the Phidget object will need to be declared and then initialized. For example, we can declare a PhidgetInterfaceKit inside our main function with:

  int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    CPhidgetInterfaceKitHandle ifKit = 0;
    //More code goes here
    return 0;

The object name for any type of Phidget is listed in the API manual. Every type of Phidget also inherits functionality from the Phidget base class.

Developing Code (Mac OSX/Linux)

Compiling Your Program

Compiling and linking against the Phidgets Library can be done in the following ways:

  • To build on Linux:
gcc example.c -o example -lphidget21
  • To build on MacOS:
gcc example.c -o example -framework Phidget21 -

Building your Project

Describe the different ways a project could be built using this language.

Common Problems and Solutions/Workarounds

Here you can put various frequent problems and our recommended solutions.