Multiple VINT Hubs w/ Similar Channels

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Multiple VINT Hubs w/ Similar Channels

Post by AdamLee »

I've read all of the documentation on addressing but I still have this one question. It's easily answerable with tests I think... but I'm WFH of course without access to components.

When you label a VINT hub, can you access all channels (VINT hub device and non-VINT hub device) using that label? My question can be boiled down to the following setup:

VINT Hub 1, labelled 'one' has 6 RTD Phidgets
VINT Hub 2, labelled 'two' has 6 RTD Phidgets

When I open a channel on label 'one' with an arbitrary hub port will it hit the correct Phidget on VINT hub 1? I think this kind of boils down to whether or not the label will look for an RTD with that label or a VINT hub with that label.

Much kindness.
Adam Lee
Software Engineer
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