Error: 0x8007007E - The Specified Module Module Could Not Be Found

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Error: 0x8007007E - The Specified Module Module Could Not Be Found

Post by RickS »

Hi People!

Having a nightmare here, I'd really appreciate any input.

I'm using an AHK script to call the Phidget.

I have a three windows 11 pro PC's all similar spec. One is here in the UK with me, Two are remote in the USA.

On my machine here the script works fine. AKH calls Phidget and it's all good.

If I install the Phidget libraries on either of these other machines I get the error I get this error: Error: 0x8007007E - The Specified Module Module Could Not Be Found.

The error message indicates the problem is from line 6 onwards:

;call the phidget
oPhid1 := ComObjCreate("Phidget21COM.PhidgetInterfacekit")

;sleep, 2000

sleep, 2000 ; wait 150th of a sec
;start the flashing using the flash control defined at end

;flash sequence controls
loop 6 ;repeat everything in {} 6 times

oPhid1.OutputState(1) := 1 ; turn on channel 2
sleep, 150 ; wait 150th of a sec
oPhid1.OutputState(1) := 0 ; turn on channel 1
sleep, 150 ; wait 150th of a sec


I've compared the two machines and they both seems to be configured in exactly the same way.

I have uninstalled everything on both machines, Re installed exactly the same programs and used the same scrips and still my machine works. The others don't.

Would anyone be able to shed any light on what the issue might be here?


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