Hi again, and thank you for answering.
I did check out that page, but since I was looking at angle-output prints using the Python library on Ubuntu, it was difficult to assess the effect of changing the parameters. Since I use the IMU (no magnetometer), did not see any significant change, and with the variables being named "AHRS Parameters", I assumed they were for AHRS mode only. Looking at the 3D representation in the Windows control panel, I can see that there is an effect, but can't really figure out exactly what it is.
First of all, knowing the units of these parameters (Ang Vel, Ang Vel Delta, Acc Threshold) would help a lot in their understanding.
I assumed "Angular Velocity Threshold" was kind of a "corridor" around the converged zero under which there is no integration of angular velocity (to result in an angle).
By this logic, setting a very high value (1000, assuming deg/sec) should stop the phidget from recognizing any slow rotations. But it does, so I guess I'm wrong.
The "Angular Vel Delta Threshold" is a mystery to me, even with the explanation. Setting a high value makes it "jump back" a little after I stop rotating it.
I will try to set it to a value stated in the instructions using the Control Panel, but an Intuitive explanation would be very welcome.
Aside from that - my phidget's purpose is to detect the heading of a car.
It is sitting in a place with magnetic interference so magnetometer is not an option, but it's good enough for me to have a measurement "since last init", rather than world-absolute (hence the IMU and not AHRS).
Assumingly due to vibrations, I am getting stable reading at times, but terrible drift in other times (up to several degrees every second, both while driving or while standing completely still).
From your experience, do you have any recommendations?
If you made it till here,
Thanks again,