Trouble attaching first input on 16/16/0 board using VB

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Trouble attaching first input on 16/16/0 board using VB

Post by robertAtQuestacon »

Have just installed latest Phidgets software and have converted visual basic software for Phidget22 API. Our application uses two 16/16/0 boards and the new Phidget Control panel shows both are working.
But when I run our code, the first input on both boards does not attach. All other inputs are fine. Any ideas?

Below is the code where I open the inputs:

Code: Select all

    Private Sub attachEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs) Handles kit.Attach
        'When the Phidget Stepper# attaches update the form text boxes
        ' Try
        Dim attachedDevice As Phidget22.DigitalInput = CType(sender, Phidget22.DigitalInput)
        numInputs = kit.GetDeviceChannelCount(ChannelClass.DigitalInput)
        For i As Integer = 0 To numInputs - 1
            Dim input As New DigitalInput
            input.Channel = i
        numOutputs = kit.GetDeviceChannelCount(ChannelClass.DigitalInput)
        For i As Integer = 0 To numOutputs - 1
            Dim output As New DigitalOutput
            output.Channel = i
        connected = True
        txtStatus = "Connected"  ' must be last
        ' Catch ex As Exception
        ' End Try
    End Sub
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Re: Trouble attaching first input on 16/16/0 board using VB

Post by mparadis »

I'm not sure what could be causing this behaviour, but there are some things you can try:

- If you switch the order of your two loops, is it the first output that fails to attach instead of the first input?

- Have you tried putting a timeout in the open call (e.g. input.Open(500))?
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Re: Trouble attaching first input on 16/16/0 board using VB

Post by robertAtQuestacon »

Thanks for the quick reply.

I've tried your suggestions without success. The first input on both cards does not attach. I tried again with just one Phidget, but this had no effect.

Code: Select all

Public Class phidgetInterfaceClass
    Dim WithEvents kit As Phidget22.DigitalInput
    'WithEvents kit As Phidgets.InterfaceKit
    Dim serialNumber As Integer
    'Public inputs As Phidgets.InterfaceKitDigitalInputCollection
    'Public outputs As Phidgets.InterfaceKitDigitalOutputCollection
    Public numInputs As Integer
    Public numOutputs As Integer
    Public inputs As New List(Of DigitalInput)
    Public outputs As New List(Of DigitalOutput)

    Public connected As Boolean = False
    Public txtStatus As String = ""
    Public changes As New Queue(Of Integer)

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal SN As Integer)
    End Sub
    Private Sub open(ByVal SN As Integer)
        Phidget22.Phidget.InvokeEventCallbacks = True
        kit = New Phidget22.DigitalInput()
        'kit = New Phidgets.InterfaceKit
        If SN <> 0 Then
            serialNumber = SN
        End If
        connected = False
        txtStatus = "Not Connected"
    End Sub
       Private Sub attachEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs) Handles kit.Attach
        'When the Phidget attaches 
        Dim retries As Integer = 10
        'While retries > 0
        ' Try
        'Dim attachedDevice As Phidget22.DigitalInput = CType(sender, Phidget22.DigitalInput)
        numOutputs = kit.GetDeviceChannelCount(ChannelClass.DigitalInput)
        For i As Integer = 0 To numOutputs - 1
            Dim output As New DigitalOutput
            output.Channel = i
        numInputs = kit.GetDeviceChannelCount(ChannelClass.DigitalInput)
        For i As Integer = 0 To numInputs - 1
            Dim input As New DigitalInput()
            input.Channel = i
            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine("Error for phidgetSN:" + kit.DeviceSerialNumber.ToString() + " input #" + i.ToString() + ":" + ex.Message)
            End Try
        connected = True
        txtStatus = "Connected"  ' must be last
        retries = 0
        ' Catch ex As Exception
        'retries -= 1
        ' Trace.WriteLine("Error - Retires to go " & retries.ToString())
        ' End Try
        'End While
    End Sub

I'd think it was a base zero issue except the outputs all attach correctly.

I've included the initialisation code this time, so hopefully someone can see what I am doing wrong.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Could the administrator extend the timeout on the POST A REPLY page. I got called away for half an hour and lost my previous message. :)
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Re: Trouble attaching first input on 16/16/0 board using VB

Post by robertAtQuestacon »

I think I have discovered the problem. Even though I had closed the Phidget Management software, it had left a Phidget process running that was attached to input 0.

I can't repeat the problem to test as I installed the Phidget21 driver (which works with my older code on Windows 10) and this seems to have over written the Phidget22 control panel. I much prefer the older control panel anyhow as it lets me see all the inputs at once.

Thanks for your help.
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