24VDC to PhidgetStepper 1067 w/ 12V Stepper

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24VDC to PhidgetStepper 1067 w/ 12V Stepper

Post by AdamLee »

Our build is currently using a PhidgetStepper 1067 with a 24VDC supply which controls a third party stepper rated to 50V. We're looking to downsize the stepper footprint to something like this NEMA-23, which has a recommended 12V:

https://www.phidgets.com/?tier=3&catid= ... prodid=351

What I'm wondering is if we need to step the PhidgetStepper 1067 supply down to 12V. It would be ideal if we could keep the 24V supply, otherwise we'd be looking at a PSU with multiple voltage outputs. I know you shouldn't drive steppers with too much voltage or you can risk the motor burning out but I'm not sure what, if any, difference driving with a PhidgetSteper 1067 makes.
Adam Lee
Software Engineer
Posts: 137
Joined: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:41 pm

Re: 24VDC to PhidgetStepper 1067 w/ 12V Stepper

Post by fraser »

The H-bridge on the 1067 delivers whatever the supply voltage is to the motor. But the recommended voltage specification on our website (ie 12V) is a bit of a exaggeration, and a bit unnecessary. You can run it at 24V just fine. Issues start to arise at very high voltage, but steppers are best run at (within the limits of the 1067) as high voltage as you can go.
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