My basic question is : Is there a Maximum amount of channels you can open at once? My problem is that I currently have 33 potential channels "I still have maybe 20 channels to setup on top of this" when I let the program roll through and open them all I get a exception "Phidget22.PhidgetException: 'PhidgetException 0x00000003 " but when I scale back to just 31 channels it works flawlessly. It does not matter which 2 channels I disable just that I do not have more than 31. Any hints?
Code: Select all
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Phidget22;
using Phidget22.Events;
namespace RoomControlv2
public partial class MainScreen : Form
Manager myPhidgetManager = new Manager();
int PhidgetUpdateCycle =1000;
HumiditySensor humidity = new HumiditySensor();
double RmHumidity = 0;
TemperatureSensor humiditytemp = new TemperatureSensor(); //temperature sensor in humidity phidget. Free reading.
double RmHumidityTemp = 0; //temperature sensor in humidity phidget. Free reading.
TemperatureSensor temperature = new TemperatureSensor();
double RmTemperature = 3;
VoltageInput light = new VoltageInput();
double RmLight = 0;
VoltageRatioInput waterlevel = new VoltageRatioInput();
double RmWaterLevel = 0;
PHSensor ph = new PHSensor();
double RmPh = 0;
TemperatureSensor ThermoCouple1TC0 = new TemperatureSensor();
double RmThermoCouple1TC0 = 0;
TemperatureSensor ThermoCouple1TC1 = new TemperatureSensor();
double RmThermoCouple1TC1 = 0;
TemperatureSensor ThermoCouple1TC2 = new TemperatureSensor();
double RmThermoCouple1TC2 = 0;
TemperatureSensor ThermoCouple1TC3 = new TemperatureSensor();
double RmThermoCouple1TC3 = 0;
TemperatureSensor ThermoCouple1TC4 = new TemperatureSensor(); //ambient temp in sensor
double RmThermoCouple1TC4 = 0;
TemperatureSensor ThermoCouple2TC0 = new TemperatureSensor();
double RmThermoCouple2TC0 = 0;
TemperatureSensor ThermoCouple2TC1 = new TemperatureSensor();
double RmThermoCouple2TC1 = 0;
TemperatureSensor ThermoCouple2TC2 = new TemperatureSensor();
double RmThermoCouple2TC2 = 0;
TemperatureSensor ThermoCouple2TC3 = new TemperatureSensor();
double RmThermoCouple2TC3 = 0;
TemperatureSensor ThermoCouple2TC4 = new TemperatureSensor(); //ambient temp in sensor
double RmThermoCouple2TC4 = 0;
DigitalInput DigitalInput0 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput0 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput1 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput1 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput2 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput2 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput3 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput3 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput4 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput4 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput5 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput5 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput6 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput6 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput7 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput7 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput8 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput8 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput9 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput9 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput10 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput10 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput11 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput11 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput12 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput12 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput13 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput13 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput14 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput14 = false;
DigitalInput DigitalInput15 = new DigitalInput();
bool RmDigitalInput15 = false;
VoltageRatioInput AirSpeed = new VoltageRatioInput();
double RmAirSpeed = 0;
public MainScreen()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnPhidgetStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Net.AddServer("ServerName", "", 5661, "", 0);
setup_ThermoCouple1TC4(); //ambient temp in sensor
setup_ThermoCouple2TC4(); //ambient temp in sensor
private void MainScreen_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
#region Humidity Setup
void setup_humidity()
humidity.Attach += humidity_attach;
humidity.HumidityChange += humidity_change;
humidity.Channel = 0; //selects the channel on the device to open
humidity.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
humidity.HubPort = 1; //selects the port on the hub to open
humidity.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
humidity.IsRemote = true;
humidity.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void humidity_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
HumiditySensor attachedDevice = (HumiditySensor)sender;
if (attachedDevice.Attached == true)
attachedDevice.HumidityChangeTrigger = .5;
attachedDevice.DataInterval = PhidgetUpdateCycle;
void humidity_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.HumiditySensorHumidityChangeEventArgs e)
RmHumidity = Math.Round(e.Humidity, 4);
#region HumidityTemp Setup
void setup_humidtiyTemp()
humiditytemp.Attach += temperature_attach;
humiditytemp.TemperatureChange += temperature_change;
humiditytemp.Channel = 0; //selects the channel on the device to open
humiditytemp.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
humiditytemp.HubPort = 1; //selects the port on the hub to open
humiditytemp.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
humiditytemp.IsRemote = true;
humiditytemp.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
#region temperature Setup
void setup_temperature()
temperature.Attach += temperature_attach;
temperature.TemperatureChange += temperature_change;
temperature.Channel = 0; //selects the channel on the device to open
temperature.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
temperature.HubPort = 2; //selects the port on the hub to open
temperature.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
temperature.IsRemote = true;
temperature.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
#region light Setup
void setup_light()
light.Attach += light_attach;
light.SensorChange += light_SensorChange;
light.Channel = 1; //selects the channel on the device to open
light.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
light.HubPort = 5; //selects the port on the hub to open
light.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
light.IsRemote = true;
light.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void light_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
VoltageInput attachedDevice = (VoltageInput)sender;
//if (attachedDevice.Attached == true)
attachedDevice.DataInterval = PhidgetUpdateCycle;
attachedDevice.SensorType = VoltageSensorType.PN_1143;
attachedDevice.VoltageChangeTrigger = .1;
void light_SensorChange(object sender, VoltageInputSensorChangeEventArgs e)
RmLight = e.SensorValue;
#region Water Level Setup
private void setup_waterlevel()
waterlevel.Attach += waterlevel_attach;
waterlevel.VoltageRatioChange += waterlevel_change;
waterlevel.SensorChange += waterlevel_SensorChange;
waterlevel.Channel = 2; //selects the channel on the device to open
waterlevel.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
waterlevel.HubPort = 5; //selects the port on the hub to open
waterlevel.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
waterlevel.IsRemote = true;
waterlevel.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void waterlevel_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
VoltageRatioInput attachedDevice = (VoltageRatioInput)sender;
if (attachedDevice.Attached == true)
attachedDevice.SensorType = VoltageRatioSensorType.PN_1101_Sharp2Y0A21;
attachedDevice.DataInterval = PhidgetUpdateCycle;
attachedDevice.VoltageRatioChangeTrigger = .01;
void waterlevel_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.VoltageRatioInputVoltageRatioChangeEventArgs e)
//RmWaterLevel = e.VoltageRatio;
private void waterlevel_SensorChange(object sender, VoltageRatioInputSensorChangeEventArgs e)
RmWaterLevel = e.SensorValue;
#region ph Setup
void setup_ph()
ph.Attach += ph_attach;
ph.PHChange += ph_change;
ph.Channel = 0; //selects the channel on the device to open
ph.DeviceSerialNumber = 539561; //selects the device or hub to open
ph.HubPort = 5; //selects the port on the hub to open
ph.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
ph.IsRemote = true;
ph.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void ph_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
PHSensor attachedDevice = (PHSensor)sender;
//attachedDevice.DataInterval = PhidgetUpdateCycle;
attachedDevice.PHChangeTrigger = .05;
//attachedDevice.PHChangeTrigger = attachedDevice.MinPHChangeTrigger;
void ph_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.PHSensorPHChangeEventArgs e)
RmPh = e.PH;
#region ThermoCouplers 1 and 2 setup
/// <summary>
/// ThermoCoupler 1 setup
/// </summary>
#region ThermoCouple1TC0 Setup
void setup_ThermoCouple1TC0()
ThermoCouple1TC0.Attach += ThermoCoupleKType_attach;
ThermoCouple1TC0.TemperatureChange += ThermoCoupleKType_change;
ThermoCouple1TC0.Channel = 0; //selects the channel on the device to open
ThermoCouple1TC0.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
ThermoCouple1TC0.HubPort = 3; //selects the port on the hub to open
ThermoCouple1TC0.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
ThermoCouple1TC0.IsRemote = true;
ThermoCouple1TC0.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
#region ThermoCouple1TC1 Setup
void setup_ThermoCouple1TC1()
ThermoCouple1TC1.Attach += ThermoCoupleKType_attach;
ThermoCouple1TC1.TemperatureChange += ThermoCoupleKType_change;
ThermoCouple1TC1.Channel = 1; //selects the channel on the device to open
ThermoCouple1TC1.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
ThermoCouple1TC1.HubPort = 3; //selects the port on the hub to open
ThermoCouple1TC1.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
ThermoCouple1TC1.IsRemote = true;
ThermoCouple1TC1.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
#region ThermoCouple1TC2 Setup
void setup_ThermoCouple1TC2()
ThermoCouple1TC2.Attach += ThermoCoupleKType_attach;
ThermoCouple1TC2.TemperatureChange += ThermoCoupleKType_change;
ThermoCouple1TC2.Channel = 2; //selects the channel on the device to open
ThermoCouple1TC2.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
ThermoCouple1TC2.HubPort = 3; //selects the port on the hub to open
ThermoCouple1TC2.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
ThermoCouple1TC2.IsRemote = true;
ThermoCouple1TC2.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
#region ThermoCouple1TC3 Setup
void setup_ThermoCouple1TC3()
ThermoCouple1TC3.Attach += ThermoCoupleKType_attach;
ThermoCouple1TC3.TemperatureChange += ThermoCoupleKType_change;
ThermoCouple1TC3.Channel = 3; //selects the channel on the device to open
ThermoCouple1TC3.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
ThermoCouple1TC3.HubPort = 3; //selects the port on the hub to open
ThermoCouple1TC3.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
ThermoCouple1TC3.IsRemote = true;
ThermoCouple1TC3.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
//Internal Temp sensor on thermocoupler1
#region ThermoCouple1TC4 Setup
void setup_ThermoCouple1TC4()
ThermoCouple1TC4.Attach += temperature_attach;
ThermoCouple1TC4.TemperatureChange += temperature_change;
ThermoCouple1TC4.Channel = 4; //selects the channel on the device to open
ThermoCouple1TC4.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
ThermoCouple1TC4.HubPort = 3; //selects the port on the hub to open
ThermoCouple1TC4.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
ThermoCouple1TC4.IsRemote = true;
ThermoCouple1TC4.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
/// <summary>
/// ThermoCoupler 2 setup
/// </summary>
#region ThermoCouple2TC0 Setup
void setup_ThermoCouple2TC0()
ThermoCouple2TC0.Attach += ThermoCoupleKType_attach;
ThermoCouple2TC0.TemperatureChange += ThermoCoupleKType_change;
ThermoCouple2TC0.Channel = 0; //selects the channel on the device to open
ThermoCouple2TC0.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
ThermoCouple2TC0.HubPort = 4; //selects the port on the hub to open
ThermoCouple2TC0.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
ThermoCouple2TC0.IsRemote = true;
ThermoCouple2TC0.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
#region ThermoCouple2TC1 Setup
void setup_ThermoCouple2TC1()
ThermoCouple2TC1.Attach += ThermoCoupleKType_attach;
ThermoCouple2TC1.TemperatureChange += ThermoCoupleKType_change;
ThermoCouple2TC1.Channel = 1; //selects the channel on the device to open
ThermoCouple2TC1.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
ThermoCouple2TC1.HubPort = 4; //selects the port on the hub to open
ThermoCouple2TC1.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
ThermoCouple2TC1.IsRemote = true;
ThermoCouple2TC1.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
#region ThermoCouple2TC2 Setup
void setup_ThermoCouple2TC2()
ThermoCouple2TC2.Attach += ThermoCoupleKType_attach;
ThermoCouple2TC2.TemperatureChange += ThermoCoupleKType_change;
ThermoCouple2TC2.Channel = 2; //selects the channel on the device to open
ThermoCouple2TC2.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
ThermoCouple2TC2.HubPort = 4; //selects the port on the hub to open
ThermoCouple2TC2.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
ThermoCouple2TC2.IsRemote = true;
ThermoCouple2TC2.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
#region ThermoCouple2TC3 Setup
void setup_ThermoCouple2TC3()
ThermoCouple2TC3.Attach += ThermoCoupleKType_attach;
ThermoCouple2TC3.TemperatureChange += ThermoCoupleKType_change;
ThermoCouple2TC3.Channel = 3; //selects the channel on the device to open
ThermoCouple2TC3.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
ThermoCouple2TC3.HubPort = 4; //selects the port on the hub to open
ThermoCouple2TC3.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
ThermoCouple2TC3.IsRemote = true;
ThermoCouple2TC3.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
//Internal Temp sensor on thermocoupler1
#region ThermoCouple2TC4 Setup
void setup_ThermoCouple2TC4()
ThermoCouple2TC4.Attach += temperature_attach;
ThermoCouple2TC4.TemperatureChange += temperature_change;
ThermoCouple2TC4.Channel = 4; //selects the channel on the device to open
ThermoCouple2TC4.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
ThermoCouple2TC4.HubPort = 4; //selects the port on the hub to open
ThermoCouple2TC4.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
ThermoCouple2TC4.IsRemote = true;
ThermoCouple2TC4.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void temperature_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
TemperatureSensor attachedDevice = (TemperatureSensor)sender;
if (attachedDevice.Attached == true)
attachedDevice.DataInterval = PhidgetUpdateCycle;
attachedDevice.TemperatureChangeTrigger = .5;
void temperature_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.TemperatureSensorTemperatureChangeEventArgs e)
int curChannel;
int curHubPort;
int curSerial;
double curTemp;
curTemp = ((e.Temperature * 1.8) + 32);
TemperatureSensor curPhidget = ((TemperatureSensor)sender);
curChannel = curPhidget.Channel;
curHubPort = curPhidget.HubPort;
curSerial = curPhidget.DeviceSerialNumber;
if (curChannel == 0 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 1)
RmHumidityTemp = curTemp;
if (curChannel == 0 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 2)
RmTemperature = curTemp;
if (curChannel == 4 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 3)
RmThermoCouple1TC4 = curTemp;
if (curChannel == 4 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 4)
RmThermoCouple2TC4 = curTemp;
void ThermoCoupleKType_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
TemperatureSensor attachedDevice = (TemperatureSensor)sender;
if (attachedDevice.Attached == true)
attachedDevice.ThermocoupleType = ThermocoupleType.K;
attachedDevice.DataInterval = PhidgetUpdateCycle;
attachedDevice.TemperatureChangeTrigger = 1;
void ThermoCoupleKType_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.TemperatureSensorTemperatureChangeEventArgs e)
int curChannel;
int curHubPort;
int curSerial;
TemperatureSensor curPhidget = ((TemperatureSensor)sender);
double curTemp;
curChannel = curPhidget.Channel;
curHubPort = curPhidget.HubPort;
curSerial = curPhidget.DeviceSerialNumber;
curTemp = ((e.Temperature * 1.8) + 32);
if (curChannel == 0 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 3)
RmThermoCouple1TC0 = curTemp;
if (curChannel == 1 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 3)
RmThermoCouple1TC1 = curTemp;
if (curChannel == 2 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 3)
RmThermoCouple1TC2 = curTemp;
if (curChannel == 3 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 3)
RmThermoCouple1TC3 = curTemp;
if (curChannel == 0 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 4)
RmThermoCouple2TC0 = curTemp;
if (curChannel == 0 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 4)
RmThermoCouple2TC0 = curTemp;
if (curChannel == 1 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 4)
RmThermoCouple2TC1 = curTemp;
if (curChannel == 2 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 4)
RmThermoCouple2TC2 = curTemp;
if (curChannel == 3 && curSerial == 512923 && curHubPort == 4)
RmThermoCouple2TC3 = curTemp;
#region Digital Input 0-15 setup
#region DigitalInput0_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput0()
DigitalInput0.Attach += DigitalInput0_attach;
DigitalInput0.Detach += DigitalInput0_detach;
DigitalInput0.Error += DigitalInput0_error;
DigitalInput0.StateChange += DigitalInput0_change;
DigitalInput0.Channel = 0; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput0.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput0.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput0.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput0.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput0.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput0_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput0_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput0_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput0_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput0 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput0.Text = RmDigitalInput0.ToString();
#region DigitalInput1_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput1()
DigitalInput1.Attach += DigitalInput1_attach;
DigitalInput1.Detach += DigitalInput1_detach;
DigitalInput1.Error += DigitalInput1_error;
DigitalInput1.StateChange += DigitalInput1_change;
DigitalInput1.Channel = 1; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput1.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput1.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput1.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput1.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput1.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput1_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput1_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput1_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput1_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput1 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput1.Text = RmDigitalInput1.ToString();
#region DigitalInput2_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput2()
DigitalInput2.Attach += DigitalInput2_attach;
DigitalInput2.Detach += DigitalInput2_detach;
DigitalInput2.Error += DigitalInput2_error;
DigitalInput2.StateChange += DigitalInput2_change;
DigitalInput2.Channel = 2; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput2.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput2.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput2.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput2.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput2.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput2_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput2_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput2_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput2_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput2 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput2.Text = RmDigitalInput2.ToString();
#region DigitalInput3_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput3()
DigitalInput3.Attach += DigitalInput3_attach;
DigitalInput3.Detach += DigitalInput3_detach;
DigitalInput3.Error += DigitalInput3_error;
DigitalInput3.StateChange += DigitalInput3_change;
DigitalInput3.Channel = 3; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput3.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput3.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput3.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput3.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput3.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput3_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput3_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput3_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput3_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput3 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput3.Text = RmDigitalInput3.ToString();
#region DigitalInput4_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput4()
DigitalInput4.Attach += DigitalInput4_attach;
DigitalInput4.Detach += DigitalInput4_detach;
DigitalInput4.Error += DigitalInput4_error;
DigitalInput4.StateChange += DigitalInput4_change;
DigitalInput4.Channel = 4; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput4.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput4.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput4.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput4.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput4.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput4_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput4_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput4_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput4_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput4 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput4.Text = RmDigitalInput4.ToString();
#region DigitalInput5_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput5()
DigitalInput5.Attach += DigitalInput5_attach;
DigitalInput5.Detach += DigitalInput5_detach;
DigitalInput5.Error += DigitalInput5_error;
DigitalInput5.StateChange += DigitalInput5_change;
DigitalInput5.Channel = 5; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput5.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput5.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput5.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput5.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput5.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput5_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput5_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput5_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput5_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput5 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput5.Text = RmDigitalInput5.ToString();
#region DigitalInput6_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput6()
DigitalInput6.Attach += DigitalInput6_attach;
DigitalInput6.Detach += DigitalInput6_detach;
DigitalInput6.Error += DigitalInput6_error;
DigitalInput6.StateChange += DigitalInput6_change;
DigitalInput6.Channel = 6; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput6.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput6.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput6.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput6.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput6.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput6_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput6_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput6_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput6_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput6 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput6.Text = RmDigitalInput6.ToString();
#region DigitalInput7_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput7()
DigitalInput7.Attach += DigitalInput7_attach;
DigitalInput7.Detach += DigitalInput7_detach;
DigitalInput7.Error += DigitalInput7_error;
DigitalInput7.StateChange += DigitalInput7_change;
DigitalInput7.Channel = 7; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput7.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput7.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput7.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput7.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput7.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput7_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput7_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput7_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput7_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput7 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput7.Text = RmDigitalInput7.ToString();
#region DigitalInput8_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput8()
DigitalInput8.Attach += DigitalInput8_attach;
DigitalInput8.Detach += DigitalInput8_detach;
DigitalInput8.Error += DigitalInput8_error;
DigitalInput8.StateChange += DigitalInput8_change;
DigitalInput8.Channel = 8; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput8.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput8.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput8.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput8.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput8.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput8_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput8_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput8_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput8_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput8 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput8.Text = RmDigitalInput8.ToString();
#region DigitalInput9_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput9()
DigitalInput9.Attach += DigitalInput9_attach;
DigitalInput9.Detach += DigitalInput9_detach;
DigitalInput9.Error += DigitalInput9_error;
DigitalInput9.StateChange += DigitalInput9_change;
DigitalInput9.Channel = 9; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput9.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput9.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput9.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput9.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput9.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput9_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput9_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput9_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput9_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput9 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput9.Text = RmDigitalInput9.ToString();
#region DigitalInput10_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput10()
DigitalInput10.Attach += DigitalInput10_attach;
DigitalInput10.Detach += DigitalInput10_detach;
DigitalInput10.Error += DigitalInput10_error;
DigitalInput10.StateChange += DigitalInput10_change;
DigitalInput10.Channel = 10; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput10.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput10.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput10.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput10.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput10.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput10_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput10_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput10_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput10_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput10 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput10.Text = RmDigitalInput10.ToString();
#region DigitalInput11_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput11()
DigitalInput11.Attach += DigitalInput11_attach;
DigitalInput11.Detach += DigitalInput11_detach;
DigitalInput11.Error += DigitalInput11_error;
DigitalInput11.StateChange += DigitalInput11_change;
DigitalInput11.Channel = 11; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput11.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput11.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput11.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput11.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput11.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput11_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput11_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput11_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput11_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput11 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput11.Text = RmDigitalInput11.ToString();
#region DigitalInput12_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput12()
DigitalInput12.Attach += DigitalInput12_attach;
DigitalInput12.Detach += DigitalInput12_detach;
DigitalInput12.Error += DigitalInput12_error;
DigitalInput12.StateChange += DigitalInput12_change;
DigitalInput12.Channel = 12; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput12.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput12.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput12.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput12.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput12.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput12_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput12_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput12_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput12_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput12 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput12.Text = RmDigitalInput12.ToString();
#region DigitalInput13_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput13()
DigitalInput13.Attach += DigitalInput13_attach;
DigitalInput13.Detach += DigitalInput13_detach;
DigitalInput13.Error += DigitalInput13_error;
DigitalInput13.StateChange += DigitalInput13_change;
DigitalInput13.Channel = 13; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput13.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput13.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput13.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput13.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput13.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput13_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput13_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput13_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput13_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput13 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput13.Text = RmDigitalInput13.ToString();
#region DigitalInput14_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput14()
DigitalInput14.Attach += DigitalInput14_attach;
DigitalInput14.Detach += DigitalInput14_detach;
DigitalInput14.Error += DigitalInput14_error;
DigitalInput14.StateChange += DigitalInput14_change;
DigitalInput14.Channel = 14; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput14.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput14.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput14.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput14.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput14.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput14_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput14_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput14_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput14_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput14 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput14.Text = RmDigitalInput14.ToString();
#region DigitalInput15_Setup
void setup_DigitalInput15()
DigitalInput15.Attach += DigitalInput15_attach;
DigitalInput15.Detach += DigitalInput15_detach;
DigitalInput15.Error += DigitalInput15_error;
DigitalInput15.StateChange += DigitalInput15_change;
DigitalInput15.Channel = 15; //selects the channel on the device to open
DigitalInput15.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
DigitalInput15.HubPort = 0; //selects the port on the hub to open
DigitalInput15.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
DigitalInput15.IsRemote = true;
DigitalInput15.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void DigitalInput15_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
DigitalInput attachedDevice = (DigitalInput)sender;
void DigitalInput15_detach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DetachEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput15_error(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ErrorEventArgs e)
void DigitalInput15_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e)
RmDigitalInput15 = e.State;
lblPhidgetDigitalInput15.Text = RmDigitalInput15.ToString();
#region Air_Speed Setup
private void setup_AirSpeed()
AirSpeed.Attach += AirSpeed_attach;
AirSpeed.VoltageRatioChange += AirSpeed_change;
AirSpeed.SensorChange += AirSpeed_SensorChange;
AirSpeed.Channel = 0; //selects the channel on the device to open
AirSpeed.DeviceSerialNumber = 512923; //selects the device or hub to open
AirSpeed.HubPort = 5; //selects the port on the hub to open
AirSpeed.IsHubPortDevice = false; //is the device a port on a VINT hub?
//AirSpeed.IsLocal = true;
AirSpeed.IsRemote = true;
AirSpeed.Open(); //open the device specified by the above parameters
void AirSpeed_attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.AttachEventArgs e)
VoltageRatioInput attachedDevice = (VoltageRatioInput)sender;
if (attachedDevice.Attached == true)
attachedDevice.SensorType = VoltageRatioSensorType.VoltageRatio;
void AirSpeed_change(object sender, Phidget22.Events.VoltageRatioInputVoltageRatioChangeEventArgs e)
RmAirSpeed = ((Math.Round(e.VoltageRatio, 2) - .51) * 193);
private void AirSpeed_SensorChange(object sender, VoltageRatioInputSensorChangeEventArgs e)
RmAirSpeed = (e.SensorValue - .5);
lblPhidgetAirSpeed.Text = RmAirSpeed.ToString();
//sensorTxt.Text = e.SensorValue.ToString() + " " + e.SensorUnit.Symbol;
private void timerFormUpdate_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void UpdateDataOnForm()
lblPhidgetHumidity.Text = RmHumidity.ToString();
lblPhidgetHumidityTemp.Text = RmHumidityTemp.ToString();
lblPhidgetTemperature.Text = RmTemperature.ToString();
lblPhidgetThermoCouple1TC0.Text = RmThermoCouple1TC0.ToString();
lblPhidgetThermoCouple1TC1.Text = RmThermoCouple1TC1.ToString();
lblPhidgetThermoCouple1TC2.Text = RmThermoCouple1TC2.ToString();
lblPhidgetThermoCouple1TC3.Text = RmThermoCouple1TC3.ToString();
lblPhidgetThermoCouple1TC4.Text = RmThermoCouple1TC4.ToString();
lblPhidgetThermoCouple2TC0.Text = RmThermoCouple2TC0.ToString();
lblPhidgetThermoCouple2TC1.Text = RmThermoCouple2TC1.ToString();
lblPhidgetThermoCouple2TC2.Text = RmThermoCouple2TC2.ToString();
lblPhidgetThermoCouple2TC3.Text = RmThermoCouple2TC3.ToString();
lblPhidgetThermoCouple2TC4.Text = RmThermoCouple2TC4.ToString();
lblPhidgetWaterPh.Text = RmPh.ToString();
lblPhidgetWaterLevel.Text = RmWaterLevel.ToString();
lblPhidgetLight.Text = RmLight.ToString();
lblPhidgetAirSpeed.Text = RmAirSpeed.ToString();
lblPhidgetWaterLevel.Text = RmWaterLevel.ToString();