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1067 detach issue

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 10:32 am
by whitebenji
I am running 2 1067 boards off of a raspberry pi using Python. The steppers are continuously engaged during my lengthy measurements (about 7 hours run time needed). Consistently after about 2 hours the stepper motors stop responding and they disengage. Debugging this is time consuming since I have to wait 2 hours for every experiment. I've enabled Phidget logging on my latest test and seeing a lot of the following errors, although still running ok at the moment:
2023-10-13T11:24:56.000 <Warn> phidget22[PhidgetStepperDevice_dataInput()] : Phidget stepper received out of range speed data:
During the measurement I am only running setTargetPosition, getIsMoving and getPosition.

Re: 1067 detach issue

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:47 am
by fraser
Are you setting the VelocityLimit at any point? if so what are you setting it to? Additionally, what is your acceleration set to, if you set it?

The more info the better so I can try to replicate the issue