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Timeout on openWaitForAttachment

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:15 am
by rabarar
I’ve run some example code that works successfully. And after some time when I rerun it, I get a timeout waiting to attach. Subsequent running of the program doesn’t resolve and allow for attachment.

I can see in the log that I can successfully reach the hub5000.local device. But not sure why the timeout

Re: Timeout on openWaitForAttachment

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:49 pm
by mparadis
The two most common reasons for a channel attach to timeout are:
- Another program or process already has that channel (or another channel on the same device) open. For example, you can't have a channel open in the Phidget Control Panel and a C++ code sample at the same time.
- You've specified addressing properties (e.g. deviceSerialNumber, channel, hubPort) such that there is no matching channel available

Seeing as it worked the first time, and then stopped working, I would expect that there's another program or process still using that channel.

Re: Timeout on openWaitForAttachment

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:24 pm
by rabarar
So I was doing this remotely via ssh and didn't see that the security software was blocking the connection (LuLu) - that was the issue. I was glad to see that it wasn't an intermittent issue, rather a security snafu!

Thanks for the reply!