This class represents a Phidget temperature Sensor. All methods to read temperaure data from the sensor are implemented in this class.

Namespace:  Phidgets
Assembly:  Phidget21.NET (in Phidget21.NET.dll) Version:


public class TemperatureSensor : Phidget
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class TemperatureSensor _
	Inherits Phidget
Visual C++
public ref class TemperatureSensor : public Phidget


The Temperature Phidget consists of a thermocouple interface, and a temperature sensing IC, which is used to measure the temperature of the thermocouple cold junction and calibrate the thermocouple sensed temperature.

Both the thermocouple and temperature IC (ambient sensor) temperatures can be read. Values are returned in degrees celcius.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also