This class represents a Phidget Interface Kit. All methods to read and write data to and from an Interface Kit are implemented in this class.

Namespace:  Phidgets
Assembly:  Phidget21.NET (in Phidget21.NET.dll) Version:


public class InterfaceKit : Phidget
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class InterfaceKit _
	Inherits Phidget
Visual C++
public ref class InterfaceKit : public Phidget


There are many types of Interface Kits, but each is simply a collection of 0 or more digital inputs, digital outpus and analog sensors. Inputs can be read and outputs can be set, and event handlers can be set for each of these.

See your hardware documentation for more information on the I/O specific to your Phidget.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also